Honors Research Activity - Mining, Refining, and 3D Printing a Lunar Colony - Literature Review Activity (Honors Option)
- Due No Due Date
- Points 0
- Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload
Students must have completed the Honors Making activity and the Honors CAD Drawing activity, or have completed courses in which they learned those skills.
This project can be done as an Honors Program "activity" or as fulfillment of an Honors Option for CHE/CHM 1091, CHE 1101, CHE 3260, CHE 4567, CHE 5567, BME 4050 Nanotechnology, BME 5790 Nanotechnology, and or any listing called The Basics of Making. If a student is doing this activity, then they can't get simultaneous credit for the literature review activity at https://fit.instructure.com/courses/565700/assignments/4933091 because this activity has much in common with the literature review. Students in CHE 1101 are encouraged to ask about process flowsheeting aspects of this project. Students in any nanotechnology courses should ask me about how particles flow differently on the moon because of different gravitational force and moreso because of electrostatic effects. This project really should be a co/prerequisite for any student wanting to participate in the lunar robotic mining senior design project.
lunarminingrefining3Dprintinglitrevieworganization.txt outlines all of the aspects of the project into categories. Your job is to download the files in the next link
find the relevant folders for what you are interested in, contact me (Jim Brenner at jbrenner@fit.edu) so that you can coordinate with me and perhaps other students to review the articles in the folders that interest you. I would like students to summarize each article in one or two PowerPoint slides and record themselves in PowerPoint using Record Narration or in Zoom about what is contained in that particular article. Summarizing a minimum of five articles or one folder of articles is required to earn the honors credit.
This may evolve into a senior design project. There will be a research project that is more proprietary related to this involving somewhat flammable nanotechnology. That will not be discussed here.
Going through the laser cutting and 3D printing through the L3 Harris Student Design Center is highly encouraged. To register for 3D printing, laser cutting, soldering, and other training through the L3HSDC, start out by going to https://form.jotform.com/201956015628052.
All students registering for any of my Honors Activities need to see the following file: brennerhonorsactivities.zip
Within that .zip file, find the brennerhonorsactivitydescriptions.docx for all of my Honors Option activities. Syllabi for my courses are also included in the .zip file. Honors-Option-Contract-Brenner.pdf within the .zip file has some instructions that will make life for you and particularly for the Honors College faculty far more streamlined. Within the Honors-Option-Contract-Brenner.pdf file, there is a reference to HonorsActivityBrenner.xlsx. On that form, I want you to check the box for the activity that you are doing and which class it applies to. Note that some activities do not count for certain classes because they are expected for non-honors students in those classes.