Honors Activity - Making (3D Printing and Laser Cutting) - for Honors Option Credit
- Due No Due Date
- Points 0
- Submitting a text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload
Form to be submitted to the Honors College for those doing this for honors credit
No prerequisite content is needed for this assignment. I encourage students to work in groups as part of this assignment, but each student has to submit his/her own results.
Going through the laser cutting and 3D printing through the L3 Harris Student Design Center (L3HSDC) is the activity. To register for 3D printing, laser cutting, soldering, and other training through the L3HSDC, start out by going to https://form.jotform.com/201956015628052. I realize that some of you have your own 3D printers. The 3D printer training through the L3HSDC is still worthwhile.
Students who have a couple hundred dollars to spend are encouraged to get the Ender 3 Pro. This is probably the most common 3D printer that we have at FIT in the L3HSDC. More details on this will be added to this Canvas assignment at a later time.
Students who have $600 to spend on a "laser engraving" hobby are encouraged to help Dr. Jim Brenner (jbrenner@fit.edu) and Martin Gallagher (at the FIT library's Digital Scholarship Lab (DSL) and gallagherm@fit.edu) get three K40 laser engravers up and going for campus-wide use. Once that is done, there will be instructions on how to do this for home use posted here. While we have a laser cutter on campus, its usage is often restricted. The purpose of the three K40 laser engravers is to make those available for general use beyond senior design. Dr. Brenner would like to see a 3D printer and laser engraver installed in a garage at the Honors Program house in the long term as an "excuse for people to get together".
This activity can be done by students who are not part of Dr. Brenner's classes, but can be used to fulfill the Honors Option for CHE 1101, 3260, any listing of Materials Characterization Laboratory, any listing of Nanotechnology, or for Nanotechnology Lab 1. It cannot be used as an Honors Option activity for The Basics of Making, as students who take that will far exceed what is covered in this activity. Students taking CHE 1102 can do this as well, but are encouraged to do this as part of CHE 3260 instead, and do the National Instruments LabView data acquisition and control activity for CHE 1102. Students taking the Basics of Making class should do the National Instruments LabView data acquisition and control activity if they want an Honors Option for that class.
All students registering for any of my Honors Activities need to follow the following instructions:
- Student Initiates the process: “Submit an Honors Option Contract” at https://www.fit.edu/honors-college/honors-curriculum/ using a TRACKSlogin@fit.edu (omit "my" from the email address) as login name and TRACKS password.
- Student uploads the course syllabus and submits the request.
- Course Instructor is notified via email and Teams to review the request.
- If approved, Course Instructor enters the Honors Option contract requirements in “Comments” box on the form prior to approving the contract (via email or Teams).
- Honors College reviews the request.
- If approved by Honors College, the course Instructor is sent a request to complete the final report for Honors Option Contract at the end of the semester.
- If the student has successfully completed the Honors Option Contract requirements, the Registrar is notified to enter Honors Option annotation on the student's transcript.
In addition to Prof. Subasi's instructions that apply to all Honors Option Contracts for anyone, see the following:
Go to HonorsActivityBrenner.xlsx. On that form, I want you to fill the box yellow for the activity that you are doing and which class it applies to. Note that some activities do not count for certain classes because they are expected for non-honors students in those classes.