Steps Toward Building the Postdisciplinary Engineer

Note to students: Some links say "Link for faculty only" or just "Faculty only". These take users to, the official site of the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN), which is a site restricted to faculty only.

What is a Postdisciplinary Engineer?

A postdisciplinary engineer can do all aspects of a problem, if given enough time and resources, whereas an interdisciplinary engineer is a jack of many trades and master of more than one, but not necessarily able to do “everything”. More detail on what constitutes a postdisciplinary engineer can be found in Sections 1-3 of FITKEENmasterdocjuly2019v3.docx (pp. 4-8).

The Goals of A Postdisciplinary Engineer Program

1. Introduction to the Kern Entrepreneurial Engineering Network (KEEN) Goals (see introtokeen.pptx)
2. Backstory (See postdisciplinaryengineeringbackstory2.htm.)
3. Maker Engineer Expectations (slide 1 of makerpostdisciplinaryengineer.pptx)
4. Postdisciplinary Engineer Expectations (slide 2 of makerpostdisciplinaryengineer.pptx)
5. Nanotechnology Minor Curriculum - (slides 1-2 of nanotechminorcurriculumbrief.pptx)
6. ABET/KEEN Program Outcomes for Nanotechnology Minor
(See ABEToutcomesandassessmentfall2021nanosciencecomponent.doc and ABETcourseeval20202021b.docx).
7. Taking Your Education Into Your Own Hands

Mindset and Skill Set Builders in Nanotechnology Minor

8. Mindset Stage 1 (Freshman fall + every semester thereafter): Questions and Issues Sheet (Link for faculty only)
9. Skill Set Stage 1 (Freshman fall): Process Flowsheets (HW's 3 through 7 in CHE 1101), Wiring Diagrams, Computer Science (see LabView and Python modules), CAD, Machine Shop, 3D Printing, and Laser Cutting
10. Mindset Stage 2 (Freshman fall): Semester-Long Project to Accompany Skill Set Stage 1
11. Skill Set Stage 2 (Freshman spring): Wiring/Soldering, Arduino, Sensors
(See Temperature Sensor, Load Cell Sensor, pH Sensor, and Electrical Conductivity/Salinity Sensor modules in Basics of Making course)
12. Mindset Stage 3 (Freshman spring): Semester-Long Project to Accompany Skill Set Stage 2
(We are revamping our BME curriculum to make this happen.)
13. Mindset Stage 4 (Fresh/soph spring): Nanotech Lab Ethics Exercise to Establish One's Philosophy of Productive Work (Fresh/soph spring) - Nanotechnology_Ethics_Exercise.docx. Link for faculty only
14. Mindset Stage 5 (Fresh/soph spring): Nanotech Lab Entrepreneurship Exercise as both an Introduction to Literature Reviews & to KEEN's 3C's
(See also entrepreneurshipexerciseinstructions.rtf.) Link for faculty only
15. Skill Set Stage 3 (Fresh/soph spring): Synthesis Part of Nanotech Lab (See slides 3-6 of nanotechminorcurriculumbrief.pptx).
16. Skill Set Stage 4 (Fresh/soph spring): Materials Characterization Introduction in Nanotech Lab
(See slides 3 and 7-9 of nanotechminorcurriculumbrief.pptx)
17. Mindset Stage 6 (Soph fall/spring): Questions and Issues Sheet + Root Cause (Failure Mechanisms) Analysis in Materials Sci/Engg. course.
The root cause analysis is great for minimizing risk.
18. Mindset Stage 7 / Skill Set Stage 5: The Basics of Making Canvas course (Jr./Sr./Grad Fall) and card (faculty only)
19. Skill Set Stage 6: Materials Characterization Lab course (Opposite Jr./Sr./Grad Fall)
See materialscharacterizationsummarypart1.pptx and materialscharacterizationsummarypart2.pptx.
20. Mindset Stage 8 / Skill Set Stage 7: Nanotechnology Lecture course (Jr./Sr./Grad Spring) - also see Literature Review card (faculty only for now), Nanotechnology Lecture "basic hyperlinked syllabus", and an EML-infused, hyperlinked syllabus (still needs improvement). An EML-infused, hyperlinked syllabus template may be the format for KEEN's new course decks. The syllabi are in the following links: CHE55672021.docx, nanotechbookoutline.docx, and CourseDeckHyperlinkedSyllabusTemplate.docx, respectively.

Not Yet Required (But Should Be) To Complete the Postdisciplinary Engineer

21. Mindset Stage 9: Four Years of EML Outside the Classroom as Part of Honors Dorm Programming
(Hooray for Hollywood KEEN card (faculty only); summary PowerPoint slide 1 of honorsprogramintegration.pptx)
22. Skill Set Stage 8: Weekly "After Hours" Mentoring of Maker Skills Of/By Honors Students
23. Mindset Stage 10 / Skill Set Stage 9: Capstone Postdisciplinary Engineer Design Course Sequence
Faculty should see cards on The Design Process and Designing and Making a Prototype: A Guide to How to Manage Making Projects
24. Skill Set Stage 10: Systems Engineering Curriculum - For a variant off of this that chemical and biomedical engineers would like, see item 37!
25. Mindset and Skill Set Stage 11: Capstone for Systems Engineering Degree = Manage Postdisciplinary Engineer Design Course Project

Assessment of ABET/KEEN Course & Program Outcomes
All links in this section are available only to faculty upon request.

26. Overall program view (see ABEToutcomesandassessmentfall2021nanosciencecomponent.doc)
27. CHE 1101 - Introduction to Chemical Engineering 1 (p. 1 of ABETcourseeval20202021b.docx and links therein)
28. MEE/AEE freshman design experience - to be added later
29. ECE/BME freshman design experience - to be added later
30. CHE/CHM 1091 - Nanotech Lab 1 (p. 9 of ABETcourseeval20202021b.docx and links therein)
31. CHE 3260 - Materials Science and Engineering (p. 3 of ABETcourseeval20202021b.docx and links therein)
32. CHE/BME 4568 - The Basics of Making
(ABET_CourseMatrixCHE45682019.xlsx, pp. 6-7 of ABETcourseeval20202021b.docx, and links therein)
33. CHE/BME 4563 - Materials Characterization Lab (p. 10 of ABETcourseeval20202021b.docx and links therein)
34. CHE/BME 4567 - Nanotechnology Lecture (p. 8 of of ABETcourseeval20202021b.docx and links therein)

Entire Program Curricula

35. Proposed Maker Minor Curriculum - pp. 7-8, 106-108 of FITKEENmasterdocjuly2019v3.docx
36. Proposed BS/(BS or MS) ChE/BME double major + Nanotech Minor Curriculum - pp. 4-6, 101-105 of FITKEENmasterdocjuly2019v3.docx
37. M.S. in Nanosystems Engineering (see MSinNanosystemsEngineering.docx) to complete the training (link for faculty only)