Course Syllabus
A far easier to read syllabus is in this clickable syllabus.
Nanoscience/Nanotechnology Laboratory CHE/CHM 1091
Dr. Jim Brenner (; 321-749-3437) Office = 256 Olin Engineering Bldg.
Office Hours: MTWR 1-2 in Olin Engg. 256/228/229, M 2-4 in Olin Engg. 256/228/229
Office Hours also perhaps on Zoom as described much further below
Class Meetings: 6 PM for everyone for chemical syntheses in OPS General Chemistry A and/or B
For microscopies and sputter coating: Group A: 5-6 PM; Group B: 6-7 PM, Group C: 7-8 PM; Group D: 8-9 PM, often with
half hour quizzes either just before or just after the one hour meetings (may be converted to Canvas quizzes later on).
Class Meeting Places: 127/128 Olin Life Sciences for SEM/TEM/Sputter Coating, 105 Frueauff Bldg. for STM/AFM
Chemical Synthesis in Olin Physical Sciences General Chemistry A and/or B labs (Gen Chem A is next to the stockroom.)
LabSmith Microfluidics Experiment: Olin Engineering 326
GSA's: Deena Dunkley (, Trevor Schmitt (
This is a tentative schedule and may change if you are notified via Canvas. Right now the TEM is down. I want to get experiments involving equipment done when such equipment is working and may move up or back experiments accordingly.
Zoom, when applicable:
Some meetings will be virtual, but in person labs will be in person after you have done some prep, including Panopto Recording videos, links to Canvas content, etc. The Canvas site is here.
There is no final exam. Some background reading for all labs is here and in nanotechlabsyntheses.pdf.
Date Subject Instructor(s) Meeting Place
Week 1 Scanning Tunneling & Atomic Force Microscopy (STM/AFM) Lecture JRB Zoom
Week 2 Martin Luther King, Jr. Holiday (No class)
Week 3 Ferrofluids All Gen Chem A/B
Week 4 STM/AFM Lab #1 All Frueauff 105
Week 5 STM/AFM Lab #2 All Frueauff 105
Week 6 Gold Sputter Coating - Prep for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) TS/DD OLS 127/128
Week 7 Scanning Electron Microscopy of Diatoms & Multiple Metals TS/DD OLS 127/128
Week 8 Preparing Catalyst for CVD Based Carbon Nanotube (CNT) Synthesis & All Gen Chem A/B
Synthesis and Hydrophobicity Testing of Alkanethiols on a
Nanocrystalline Silver Thin Film
Week 9 Silver Nanoparticle (NP) Synthesis & Effect of NP's on Toxicity All Gen Chem A/B
Toward Yeast or Elodea Leaf
Week 10 Assembly of LabSmith Microfluidic Chip - Lab-on-a-Chip Devices All OEC 326
Week 11 Shark Tank - Two Minute Nanotechnology Product or Service JRB Zoom
Week 12 Gold Nanoparticle Synthesis All Gen Chem A/B
Week 13 Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) of Carbon Nanotubes on a JRB/TS OLS 127/128
Iron on Alumina Catalyst (synthesized in Week 8)
Week 14 Ethics in Nanotechnology Activity (with a party afterward, if permitted) All Zoom or TBA
Week 15 Off (Makeup time if necessary - may move Ethics Activity here)
Purpose: This interdisciplinary lab is designed for students whose career interests are in nanoscience research or nanotechnology.
The course introduces students to techniques that involve nanomaterial fabrication by thin film deposition and by chemical synthesis,
as well as to sample characterization techniques such as atomic force microscopy and scanning tunneling microscopy. The goals of the course
are focused on the learning of experimental techniques that will allow students to better understand the underlying principles behind the concepts
presented in more advanced courses in materials science and engineering, chemistry, and physics. Students who take this class will also be more
prepared to contribute to faculty supervised research projects involving nanotechnology. This course was originally designed for freshmen,
but should be of interest to other underclassmen levels and to first-year graduate students.
Policies and Expectations:
Your laboratory instructor will evaluate your performance for each laboratory experiment. Satisfactory performance consists of the following:
attending and being on time for the lab, following directions, completing the goals of the experiment (i.e. synthesizing a product, completing a
sample analysis), cleaning up your work area after completing the lab, answering questions posed by the instructor and participating in any discussions. If your absence is excused, you need to make arrangements with the instructor to complete the laboratory experiment as soon as possible. Excused absences include your participation in a university-sponsored event or an illness with excuse signed by a doctor.
Talk to Dr. Brenner about your debate topic before you begin writing. Your grade will be based 20% on your attendance and 40% based on seven quizzes. Twenty percent of your grade will be based on your group's 2-3 minute PowerPoint pitch of a nanotechnology-based product or service. The first slide will briefly describe the product or service, as well as a business case. The second slide will illustrate how nanotechnology creates or adds value to the product or service. The final slide will list companies or research groups that might purchase or compete with your product or service. If a research group, then the student entrepreneurs will explain why working for that group as undergrads, or more likely, graduate students will help the student entrepreneurs achieve the goal of producing that product or service. We will provide more information later regarding the details of how your presentation will be graded. Twenty percent of your grade involves the ethics exercise.
Overall letter grades will be based on the standard grading scale: 90-100% A, 80-89% B, 70-79% C, etc.
Now that this class is in online mode in addition to in person mode, so use the hyperlinked files below in order to prepare for class! I will send out updated versions of this periodically as I record lecture content into PowerPoint files. The linked .pdf's are the same as the newly added PowerPoint files in bold red, EXCEPT that they also have my recorded audio.
I may NOT be in your class' Zoom room, because I might be in another. Zoom notification to my e-mail is pretty close to instantaneous, but I may have my e-mail alert off if I am recording lectures or in another online class. I expect office hours to be more highly attended online than they had been in the past in person. Try to arrive to Zoom for class a few minutes early so that we can get any logistics situated. If it is your class time and you're having trouble getting in, call me at 321-749-3437 and/or e-mail me at
If you are trying to reach me for office hours and I am not in your Zoom room, try the following options. I'm likely in one of the other rooms, and if it says, do not contact, I am teaching a different class. Monday 5 PM - 9 PM Nanotechnology Lab (Our class) Tuesday 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM CHE 3260 (Do not contact.) Tuesday 6 - 10 PM Nanotechnology Lecture (Do not contact.) Wednesday 3 PM - 5 PM CHE 1102 (Do not contact.) Thursday 7:30 AM - 9:30 AM CHE 3260 (Do not contact.) Olin Engg. 256/228/229 MTWR 1-2 PM Office Hours (I may only be there in person, as opposed to Zoom, depending on whether someone actually came to see me in person.) Olin Engg. 256/228/229 M 2-4 PM Office Hours (I may only be there in person, as opposed to Zoom, depending on whether someone actually came to see me in person.)
My plan is to use the "flipped classroom" model. You should view and listen to the relevant pre-recorded content before each date on the syllabus. There will be a simultaneous live in person lecture and a Zoom lecture. I will post the recorded live experience for syntheses after class as soon as reasonable. The lab activities have already been recorded in Panopto Recordings and should be viewed prior to doing those materials characterization labs. You should come into the Zoom meeting muted and will need to unmute yourself when appropriate. In general, stay muted except when you are going to contribute something. There will be a chat available as well.
Zoom is a program that you should become familiar with. Look at the 1st and 3rd videos within
If you want to test out Zoom with me to check to see if it works, e-mail me at I may not respond instantly, especially if I am recording lectures or in a meeting with a different class. I'll have my phone (3217493437) next to me and will get your call. If I can answer it without being very awkward, I will do so immediately.
BME-CHE Academic Honesty Policy 8-14-18.doc
Personal Development Activity for Honors Program Students to Accompany Entrepreneurship Exercise
Honors Program Making Activity -
Nanotech Minor General Instructions - nanotechminorelectivesandrequirements.pptx
In accordance with “Florida Tech Safe: Return to Learn” procedures, instructors will enforce Florida Tech’s mandatory face covering policy in all classrooms and teaching labs. All students MUST wear appropriate face coverings that cover their mouth and nose during all face-to-face course meetings. Students who fail to comply with this policy WILL BE REQUIRED to leave the classroom immediately. Students unable to comply may contact the Dean of Students Rodney Bowers for further options. Bandannas are NOT considered acceptable.
Title IX
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 is a federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex in federally funded education programs and activities. Florida Institute of Technology policy also prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex. Florida Tech faculty are committed to helping create a safe learning environment for all students that is free from all forms of discrimination and sexual harassment, including sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. If you, or someone you know, have experienced or is experiencing any of these behaviors, know that help and support are available. Florida Tech strongly encourages all members of the community to take action, seek support, and report any incident of sexual harassment or gender discrimination to Fanak Baarmand, Title IX Coordinator at 321-674-8885 or Please note that as your professor, I am required to report any incidents to the Title IX Coordinator. If you wish to speak to an employee who does not have this reporting responsibility, please contact the Student Counseling Center at 321-674-8050.
Course Summary:
Date | Details | Due |